

Saturday, 6 September 2014

How Does Love Work?

I've heard allot about love and I'm sure you all have too. I've been thinking about all I've heard and I came up with a few questions.

1. Does love exist?

I have come across many posts on nl where people said 'love does not exist' and this is shocking to me because I don't believe that people just bump into each other,get married and live happily. Maybe those who believe it doesn't exist can put me through. smiley

2. Is there anything like 'The One'?

Is there someone out there specifically made for each and every one of us? This is a confusing concept because some men become priests and some women rev sisters, a few others decide that they'll remain single because they want to 'enjoy' life. What happens to their significant other?

3. Can one really love someone enough to live with the person for ever/is love enough for marriage?

It's a fact that most of our parents and grand parents didn't really 'fall in love' before they got married but they stayed married for long and some till death. But in this generation where people 'fall in love' before getting married divorce is in every corner, why?

4. Can love really die?

How can one say he/she loves someone one day and hate her/him the next day? What kills love?

All these questions can be summed up in one, how does love work?

Looking forward to informative posts.

Just wanna know what you think.

Yes YOU. wink Please drop your comments below...

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