

Saturday, 6 September 2014

GTBank Checks Temperature Of Customers Entering The Banking Hall (Photo)

Its been ages since i last went to the banking hall, however i had to visit the bank to renew my ATM card. On getting there i noticed the porter putting a device to customers' head.before they enter the banking hall. When it got to my turn, the following conversation ensued:

Porter: Goodmorning Sir, welcome to XYZ bank.....

Me: Thankyou.

Porter: Sir let me check your BP [pointing device to my head]

Me: [curiously wandering what business banks have with BP

[device beeps]

Porter: See[showing me device reading] your BP is normal, 36.7

In my mind am like 'oh! loool,in their mind these guys are taking 'precautionary measures' to fish out those with ebola cos its widely advertised that fever is a key feature of ebola.

Interesting enough, there was a suspected case of ebola with classical presentation on monday at the Teaching Hosp of which i was the casualty officer who saw the patient & funny enough the patient died shortly after presenting(sample sent to lagos came out yesterday to be negative).

The info obviously got to town prompting the bank to begin temp check.

So am beginning to ask myself, does it mean an ill patient(maybe with malaria) cannot transact in the bank again? Arent we taking this ebola thngy a little bit too far? Please drop your comments below...

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