

Sunday 7 September 2014

“After Telling Him The Truth He Hated Me Forever”

warning: this is a true life story about me. It is also a bit long. Bear with me and read it till the end.

4 years ago was like a dream. But that dream was shattered by me as a result of my actions. To some extent i blamed mySelf so much i could still cry and shed hot tears. But on the other hand i was quite honest to him.

Still basking in the excitement and euphoria of my 18th birthday, i was still love drunk with my first ''official'' boyfriend. The one i could freely hug and kiss and dream about all day and all nite. It was pure ecstasy.

But a young man came my way, i proved beyond reasonable doubt that he was truely in love with me. We live in two different cities, but this angel in the skin of a man was ready to risk everything for me. He called me almost everyday, sent me recharge card without my asking him, somethings he gave me pocket money for my upkeep.

I saw the sincerity in his eyes but i was feeling guilty inside of me. ''I must let him know what is at stake here''.

The d-day finally came, we were strolling he made mention of his love for me. After he had had his chance, i told him that i had someone i love even though am beginning to like him.

He persistent and saw everything as a challenge. I did all i could to avoid him. A day came, when he saw me with the man i loved. He couldnt stand it any longer. He stopped calling me, no text messages from him. My birthday came, he didnt message me at all. I was too scared to call him. I knew he was heartbroken but i never expected him to leave me this way.

Till date, i have not seen him. I wish to see him once again to apologise to him. He no longer use the number he gave me.

I wish...........hmmmmmmm......sigh heavily.

Kenneth wherever you are please forgivel

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