Ex- PresidentOlusegun Obasanjo said he had never regretted writing his scathing letterto President Goodluck Jonathan in December 2013. OBJ revealed this in an interview to BBC on February 13, 2014, Thursday. He said that the letter was not meant to be confrontational, but was aimed at drawing the President's attention to national issues. He said if Jonathan wanted any discussions on their relations, or on any other matter, affecting both of them, his doors would remain open for that. "Since I wrote the letter, we spoke about six times,"Obasanjo said, according to a news item on the BBC Hausa website. Asked if he regretted writing the letter, Obasanjo said: "Why should I regret? You only regret when you fail to do the right thing before it's too late. But writing a letter at the right moment, a letter that is the right letter to write, and you wrote it, you should not regret writing that." It would be recalled that in his letter to Jonathan, Obasanjo accused the President of condoning corruption, parochialism, dishonesty and training a killer-squad. He said Jonathan had promised him previously to do only one presidential term. But in his response, Jonathan accused Obasanjoof endangering the national security and making false, substantiated allegations
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