

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Gamechanger: Taking Nollywood To The Next Level

The year 2009 was the turning point for Movie production in India.

With 3 idiots, Bollywood made a bold statement; they proved that there was more to Indian movies than love stories and revenge like we have all come to associate them with. Practically everything about the movie was perfect, it provided comedy on a different platform, face it created a state where we all laughed but there were lessons to learn, important facts to grab about life, it should be described as an “educational comedy” with a little tint of love.

The success and accolades the movie got was a sheer reward of the hard work and commitment by the personnel in front and behind the camera.


Sadly our very own Nollywood is still waiting for that "game changer", that particular movie that would catapult Nigeria to the attention of the world.

This is not to discredit the stakeholders in the industry, indeed they have tried, there has been notable improvements in our movies.

The sound effects, picture quality and dialogues have drastically improved;

Movies like Mirror boy, Figurine, Phone swap etc. come to mind. We can also take pride in the fact that our actors and actresses have been more professional.

Gone are the days when viewers found it difficult to connect with the emotions portrayed on the screen, but recently we can see that emotional connection between the viewer and the movie, so for that they deserve a plus.

But indeed there are still a lot of problems hindering movie production in Nigeria and these problems have to be tackled before that ”dream movie“ that would catch the attention of the world can come into reality.

Firstly, the major challenge has been funding, due to the economic situation of the country movie makers have really struggled compete financially with their counterparts from the other parts of the world. They are left to make do with the sub standard equipment they can afford; even the amount paid to the actors when compared to their counterparts from outside the country is paltry. The government obviously cannot shoulder the responsibility alone; the private industries and organizations should help in sponsoring movies. For a good thing to be produced, money is needed we should all take a cue from America and India reveals the massive amount of money pumped into it.

Then the Piracy issue comes up, this really is just down to the ever increasing crime rate in the country, there are several cabals and caucuses that are in charge with the distribution of movies in the country but a deep look will reveal that these guys are cankerworms feeding on the profit of the movie makers. So far, the government has helped in fighting Piracy, but I think they should double their efforts to apprehend these miscreants; this has forced a few movie makers to release their movies in other countries, so they ensure they make their profit before finally bringing it home to Nigeria because let’s face it, why should a group of “criminals” continue to feed on the profit on moviemakers who despite the stringent conditions are striving hard to entertain Nigerians?

Also, the continuous shout for Nollywood to change the entire make up of our movies to look like the “white” movie has pushed our movie makers to the extreme. They are forced to come up with tricks and flicks which sadly have only embarrassed the industry. We are not ready for the explosions, the fireworks, the heavy machinery and the likes. We will continue to make a joke of ourselves if we don’t stop trying to be like our foreign counterparts and instead focus on ourselves.

Every movie attempts to communicate and portray the culture of the country from which it was made, so why try to be like them when we have massive amounts of folklores and legends yet to be touched.

Nigeria boasts of a very rich history, lots of tales and stories from the past, our legends, the gods etc, yet we have continually overlooked this in a futile attempt to go hi-tech, what we refuse to understand is that Hollywood is preaching America so as the Indians, Chinese, Latinos and the likes, let Nollywood focus on Nigeria. It is only by these means we can captivate the world and let them be curious about us.

Then after getting the story, a brilliant script that will be interpreted by the actors on the screen is vital, most Nollywood movies we see today are not coordinated, the scenes are all squashed together and hence the viewers tend to get lost on the way and ultimately lose interest. The unnecessary scenes should be cut off.

A well written script will catch the attention of the viewer at the beginning through the middle and to the end, and there is no getting bored.

We can do it!

Nollywood can captivate the world.

We just have to forget our weakness and instead focus on our strength and use it to the maximum. Please drop your comments below...

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